Practice Areas
Estate Planning - Probate
Estate Planning is a business that has pretty much seen its day and left. True Statement?
Yes and no.
The days of complicated A-B (or so-called credit shelter-marital trusts) is pretty much gone. That\'s a good thing. There is still a federal estate tax but it will not affect all but the wealthiest of families and almost certainly will not affect you. The fiscal cliff controversy resolved and settled that a person can die with an estate valued at less then $5,000,000 and not pay a dime of federal estate taxes. Effective January 1, 2013 there is no longer an Ohio estate tax.
We are available to discuss ...
- Revocation of that complicated trust you were told would save you so much money
- Family Trusts
- Avoidance of Probate through JTWROS (Joint With Right of Survivorship) or TOD (Transfer on Death Payable Contracts)
- We can do Advanced Directives but to tell you the truth all you need to do is visit this hospice site if you live in Ohio or this one if you live in Kentucky. These are great forms online that have been developed by bar associations and medical associations working collaboratively to satisfy a need. Read them carefully, call us with questions, get to know us!
- Complex probate matters
- Full Estate administrations
- Reasonable Fees, almost always a fraction of guideline fees. see Rule 71.1(J) Hamilton County, Ohio Probate Court Rule
At Schuh & Goldberg, LLP we\'re very good at explaining matters in an understandable way. Give us a call to discuss how we might be able to help you!